How TutorOut Works

How do I get in touch with a TutorOut tutor?
After you sign up, we will quickly contact you regarding your request and answer your questions. When you have decided to use our service, you can go to our payments page. After we receive your payment, we will match the student with a tutor that best fits the objectives and goals of the student. That being said, if you would like a specific tutor, please let us know and we can try to arrange it for you.
If I want a specific tutor, how long do I need to wait until I can have him/her as a tutor?
TutorOut's specialized team of tutors are in high demand, so please sign up at least one week ahead of the time you wish to use their service.
After making a payment, how long does it take to start my classes?
Since we would have already discussed the student's academic needs and the available times for classes, therefore after we have received payment, TutorOut will help the student and tutor exchange skype usernames so that they can start class at the earliest scheduled time.
If I need to change my class schedule, class materials or other issues, can contact the tutor directly?
In order to maximize convience for everyone involved as well as respect the time of our extremely busy tutors, TutorOut handles all scheduling communication between students and tutors. This is also to ensure that the service provided is of the highest quality. Contacting the tutors for scheduling outside of TutorOut is against the terms of using the service.
If I am having problems with making a payment, what should I do?
TutorOut uses Union Pay as a payment method. You can follow the instructions on Union Pay's website to make a payment. You may need to download and install Union Pay's safety control program and restart your browser after installation. After you successfully make a payment, you will be directed to a confirmation page to show that the payment was successful. An confirmation email will also be sent to your account. If you have any problems with payments, please contact us at and we will help you resolve any issues as soon as possible.
What should I prepare before my first class?
Please ensure that you have Skype installed on your computer or device. Try making a call before the class to make sure it works. From your profile page, please find the tutor's skype id and add them as a contact before the class.
Why I can't open the website/ Why I see a blank page on your website?
If you can’t open or see a blank page on our website, it may be caused by the browser you are using. We recommend the students not to use the 360 browser, rather, use browsers such as Safari (Apple), Chrome (Google) or Firefox.

Student Policies

  1. 学员应按时出席课程,不无故迟到、早退、旷课:
  2. 学员应主动告知TutorOut所有课程改动:
  3. 课程修改/取消政策:
  4. 学员应认真听讲并完成老师布置的课后作业:
  1. 免费加课:
  2. 辅导顾问替换政策:


  1. 请在浏览器中打开我们的网站:。请您使用火狐浏览器、苹果系统自带浏览器(Safari), IE浏览器(版本8或更新) 或者谷歌浏览器(Chrome) 填写付款信息以及完成付款流程。我们的付款系统目前不支持360浏览器以及搜狗浏览器。
  2. 点击右上角 “登录”, 输入注册时设置的用户名与密码,登录到我们的系统。登录后,您将直接被引入您的“个人资料”页面上。
  3. 在“个人资料”页面上,选择左边任务栏中的“付款方式”, 系统将转至“TutorOut付款页面”。请在付款页面中填写您的具体信息。填写付款信息时,请务必用拼音填写学生姓名,不要用汉字。信息填写完毕,请点击“银联付款”按钮, 您将被系统带至银联的官方网站上。
  4. 在“银联卡”支付一栏内,输入您的卡号。再点击下一步。后续步骤可以点击下一步边上的“新手操作演示”, 演示中有很详细的讲解。如果看了演示之后您还有疑问或者无法完成付款,请您联系我们的客服 。注:首次使用银联付款,需安装其控件。请按照电脑提示安装控件后,再打开银联网站。
  5. 完成支付后,请点击“回到商户”,返回至我们的页面。如果付款成功, TutorOut会向您的邮箱发送付款成功的确认邮件。如果付款后没有收到确认邮件,您的支付可能并未成功,未付款成功的原因可能有:
    1. 信息填写错误;
    2. 您的银行卡尚未开通网上银行业务或者国际支付业务(或预付金额超过您所预订的国际支付金额上限)。如遇见此状况,请联系您的银行,开通相关业务或提高支付上限。