English - (Advanced)

Total course completion after 3 advanced novels– 120 hours class time

Prerequisite: Completion of TutorOut’s intermediate level course OR TOEFL score of at least 90 OR two years of study at in a US high school.

Course Summary

Students who elect this course should already have a strong command of the English language from our intermediate course. This course specifically helps the student prepare for reading and writing on a college level, so typical students for this course are high school juniors or seniors.

1st novel: The Odyssey
Expected time to completion: 50 Hours
One of the oldest works in western literature, this relatively long epic poem not only introduces the Chinese student to Greek mythology, but also touches on many themes in a beautifully entertaining way.

2nd novel: A Separate Peace
Expected time to completion: 30 Hours
Taking place during World War II, this novel is about the relationship between two boys in a prep school. Like many other war stories, this novel gives the student an opportunity to understand war on a more personal level by showing the effects of war on the people surrounding it.

3rd novel: Of Mice and Men
Expected time to completion: 40 Hours
Taking place during the Great Depression in American history, this novel shows the hardships of the time between two migrant workers in search of work.


The novels that are read in the advanced course are more challenging to read. While it may be difficult at first, the tutor will guide the student through the complexities and deeper meanings by teaching the student how to go about analyzing these works.


In order to be a successful writer on a college level, the student will need to know the expectations of grammar, organization, thesis development, ideas and the many other intricacies of writing a high level essay. Tutors will hold the students to the writing standards that they give themselves at their own top university. Students will be expected to write not only literary essays, but also fiction and creative writing. In summary, tutors will be teaching them what is needed to succeed in a college English class.


Students are expected to listen and participate frequently in discussions and by the end of the advanced course, will have the confidence and knowledge to converse with their highly educated peers.

Please note:

  1. We list 3 books that we typically recommend, but if the student has already read it or would like to change them to another book from our reading list, then the tutor can happily change it.
  2. The amount of hours spent on each novel is different for every novel due to length and complexity of the novel.
  3. The expected completion time is based on the student devoting at least 1 hour for 5 days of the week to his studies with TutorOut. By having consistent classes, the student’s progress will be able to improve much faster as he will better remember everything he has learned (as opposed to learning only 1 hour/week).
  4. Although our tutors follow a set curriculum in their classes, the student can obviously use the time they have with the tutor to answer any questions that may not relate to the curriculum (interests, American culture, interview prep, American life, current school work, making a presentation, etc.). By utilizing the tutors not only as a source for English training, but also for American culture, the student will be better equipped to integrate into his school life abroad.

Reading List

Author Title
Herman Melville (赫尔曼·梅尔维尔) Moby-Dick (白鲸)
Homer (荷马) The Odyssey (奥德赛)
Dante (但丁) The Divine Comedy 1: Hell (神曲:地狱)
James Joyce (詹姆斯·乔伊斯) Dubliners (都柏林人)
John Milton (约翰. 弥尔顿) Paradise Lost (失乐园)
Geoffrey Chaucer (杰弗雷·乔叟) The Canterbury Tales (坎特伯雷故事集)
Joseph Conrad (约瑟夫.康拉德) Heart of Darkness (黑暗的中心)
Jane Austen (简. 奥斯汀) Pride and Prejudice (傲慢与偏见)
S.E. Hinton (辛顿) The Outsiders (局外人)
J.D. Salinger (塞林格) The Catcher in the Rye (麦田里的守望者)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基) Crime and Punishment (罪与罚)
Emily Bronte (艾米莉·勃朗特) Wuthering Heights (呼啸山庄)
John Steinbeck (约翰·斯坦贝克) Of Mice and Men (人鼠之间)
John Steinbeck (约翰·斯坦贝克) The Grapes of Wrath (愤怒的葡萄)
Albert Camus (阿尔贝.加缪) The Stranger (局外人)
Joseph Heller (约瑟夫海勒) Catch-22 (第二十二条军规)
John Knowles (约翰·诺尔斯) A Separate Peace (独自和解)